Hostels in Belize
Belize hostels
This expedition will change your life forever! |

Drop back in time 3600 years in XIBALBA to the early first Mayan Empire. |
DON'T MISS THIS ADVENTURE! Only discovered a couple of years back, this is now the MAJOR underworld site of the MAYAN lower
planes of existence known as XIBALBA (the MAYAN UNDERWORLD of MYTH and SPIRITUALITY).
in Hillview, Cayo District of Belize. The small number of licensed guides permitted by the government, to conduct this trip
are less than the fingers of one hand. One guide is now doing overnight camping trips underground in this massive cave system.
Not for the faint of heart believe me!
The Maya believe in a number of planes of existence, above and below this level of reality we sense with only our five organic
senses. XIBALBA is the home of lower planes! This underground world of cave ceremonies leads to the levels below our reality.
It will make you question your own beliefs and indeed change your life forever more.
In National Geographic Magazine, spelunkers have traveled cave systems from Belize to Guatemala without seeing the light
of day, for many, many miles! This ADVENTURE TOUR will transport you back a couple of thousand years, to a time when the
Maya entered a cave system lit only by pine splint torches, in a dangerous environment inhabited by Spirits and Gods we find
hard to imagine. Wait until you turn the first corner and lose daylight and are submerged in total blackness and sensory
deprivation as you go into the cave system, reliant on your life solely by a head lamp.
This trip requires reasonable good health. From where our guides park the vehicle to the cave entrance is a 45 minute
hike through the jungle. You will be required to wade across a river three times en-route. The time inside this forbidden
cave system runs about 3 1/2 hours. For your safety you will be guided by Cave Guides, wear a hard hat, head lamp and be
tethered together by climbing ropes. The route to XIBALBA the underworld of the Maya, takes you through a lower cave system
into a higher cave system. The pool of water seperating them was reported to be chest high in December, which you are expected
to wade through, wearing a bathing suit is recommended. Far inside you will see an ancient skeleton and pottery untouched
for several thousand years. Your safety is our prime concern. All spelunking cave equipment is supplied. This is an adventure
in the ancient spiritual world of the Maya you will 'NEVER' forget! Believe me!
To make this ADVENTURE contact us at; FALCONVIEW TOURIST BACKPACKERS ADVENTURE HOSTEL. Our hostel dormitory accomodations
are only $9 usa plus tax per night in 2007. Lots of FREE amenities and an open kitchen for use by guests. We have showers,
hammock room, bunk beds, a communal kitchen where everybody cooks their own. Free coffee as well. For older persons liking
more fancy rooms, we can book you into those also, just thirty minutes away. Of all the hotels in the twin agricultural towns
in Western Belize, there are only two otherwise remotely considered US standards. Our hostel is fancier than most hotels
out here in the Cayo District.
PHOTO'S AND MORE PHOTOGRAPHS! If any of these links cease to work, please let us know. They belong to somebody else and
we have no control over them.
CLICK HERE for archaeological photos of past adventurers on this expedition.
CLICK HERE for other photos of other trips by people on this expedition.
This is a news blog with lots of photographs of the Western Belize Recreational Area. Kept up couple of ties a week. CLICK
CLICK HERE for loads and loads of photos on ACTUN TUNICHIL MUKNAL
If you are interested in 10,000 years of Mayan history in the Belize area, CLICK HERE! This is a free book, you can read online,
published years ago by the owners of Falconview Hostel.
Oganic Hydroponics Vegetable Project in tropical Belize - CLICK HERE -
STORY of a under forty years single woman living around the Caribbean. My youngest daughter Tina who has a hostel on Caye
Caulker and another on Roatan off Honduras CLICK HERE -How to do it!-
Our phone number is: Belize 663 5580
Falconview Back Pack Adventure Hostel offers many things! We are your home away from home! In the winter you can live here
for $330 usa a month. There are beds ( bunk beds ) and camping sites if you have your own tent, a hammock room, tv., shared
kitchen - $11 usa per night plus tax for 2008. We also have a furnished Spanish Mission style colonial apartment for $45
a day, $196 a week, or or $425 a month USA currency. We organize and run the Christmas ANNUAL MAYA MOUNTAINS FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL
here at the Hostel. In August we have the ANNUAL Mountain Bike Race for the "Tour de Belize" and the AUXILLOU CHALLENGE
TROPHY. We have a solar oven, organic garden, urban vegetable hydroponics, music lessons, language lessons. We do Mayan pottery,
oil painting, knick knacks for the tourist industry as a community service. We are just plain into having loads of fun!
Make this your headquarters and home away from home while
participating in the many adventures in Western Belize.
Ray Auxillou the patriarch of the Auxillou family! |

69 years old and still having adventures. Parafoiling in the mountains! |